Tuesday, July 17

Compare health benefits of Green tea and Black tea!

here are mainly 4 types of teas...


2. Black

3. White

4. Oolong (all come from same botanical source camellia sinensis)

Green tea is steamed and dried. Black tea is further fermented in which it is broken down chemically before drying, making it processed of all..! The less the tea is processed ,the less is caffeine and the more is anti-oxidants and nutrients. Black tea has caffeine twice as much as green.

Health Benefits of green tea are as follows..

1. Because of anti-oxidants it strengthens your immune system and elevate your overall state of health. Antioxidants act as antidote and control the impact of pollution,pesticides and stress on our body. They also fight the growth of cancer cells,limit tissue damage and rejuvenate after treatment like chemotherapy.

2. It lowers cholestrol, de-clogs blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes.

3.It helps you to loose weight by increasing metabolism.4. It is pleasant for teeth and bones and also has nutrients like magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and vitamins C and K.

Remember! - Four to six cups of green tea will keep a doctor away.. Lets drink it to our health!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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There is an zit questionnaire that is helpful in diagnosing your problem and recommending a solution.
I hope that this proves to be helpful. I think we've all been through it to some extent.